The Defense Never Rests

1 John 2:1
"My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have One who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One."
The gavel is slammed down 3 times in rapid succession. The shock of the curt report of the hammer-shaped piece of wood striking the Judge's bench jars you from your thoughts. "This court will come to order."
You stand in a courtroom. Imagine the rich wood of the Judge's bench. Look up and see the face of the Judge. His face gives away nothing. You see neither mercy nor condemnation yet written there. You look around the courtroom. On one side, you see the Accuser. He's the prosecutor. He's filing charges against you. It is being alleged that you have committed sins against the Father. It is being alleged as well, that your faith was empty and wasted. Satan, the Accuser, turns to look at you. You see a glint in his eye. He's got evidence against you. It's written in his eyes for all to see. You are guilty. Satan sneer's at you with his self-satisfied smug smirk. You begin to recount the evidence in your mind. And you realize with shame, that everything he says that you have done or not done is absolutely true. You stand there, head hung with the weight of your guilt.
Again, you hear the voice of the Judge, "How does the defendant plead."
You begin to mutter and say, "Guil..."
But there is a commotion coming from the back of the courtroom. A Man is walking down the aisle toward you. He's kind and gentle looking. And yet, there is a quiet strength within this Man. You can sense there is something more to Him than meets the eye. Your muttered attempt at a plea is cut off as the Man walks toward you and says "Guilty, Your Honor...but there are extenuating circumstances of which this Court needs to be made aware."
Your mouth hangs open...incredulous. Who is this Man? Why does He change the nature of your plea? What evidence does He have of which you are not aware? You are certain that you are guilty of everything of which you are accused. How can this be?
The Accuser raises an objection, "I object, Your Honor. I was not made aware of a Defending Attorney for this trial. I respectfully ask that this Man be removed from these proceedings."
The Judge, with justice written on His face, looks up, looks deep into the eyes of His S...the Defender...and says, "With what authority do you speak on behalf of the defendant?"
The gentle, strong Man, without hesitation, looks deep into your eyes, and then looks to His Fa...the Judge and says, "My Father has granted me this authority."
The Judge then gives His ruling on the objection: "Objection over-ruled. I recognize His authority to speak on behalf of the defendant."
The Accuser then menacingly rises. You can almost see tendrils of blackness emanating from him as he stands to point his finger accusingly at you. "This man that You see before You today, Your Honor, has sinned against You. He has taken You for granted in his life. He has denied you. He has even mocked you. He has walked away from you even when he needed you most. In the face of opposition, he has given into fear instead of trusting in You. He has worshiped false gods and taken Your name in vain. And these are only the charges I raise which have to do with his relationship with You, Your Honor. Let's look at his walk of faith. It's pathetic. It's filled with apathy. How can he even claim to have been a witness for you, Your Honor? He only acknowledged You when others did the same. He only praised You when it wouldn't embarrass him. He only prayed when he was in a crisis. I, Satan the Accuser, stand before You today, Your Honor, to ask for this man's life. I ask You to give the only just verdict there is: eternal damnation in the fires of Hell. The prosecution rests, Your Honor."
The air hangs heavy with guilt, punishment, and shame. You sit there wondering what the Judge must think of you. With downcast eyes, you try to meet the eyes of your Defender. You can't. Your eyes are filling with tears of shame as you sit there. You know the charges to be true. You are guilty of everything that was said.
As if your Defender can read your thoughts, you feel His hand on your shoulder. He gives a gentle, reassuring squeeze. You lift your face to meet His eyes, expecting condemnation, and yet finding none. Instead, you see only gentle grace, tender mercy. A sigh escapes your lips as you begin to feel a sense of assurance. All is not lost. There is hope.

Your Defender introduces Himself to you finally. He says in a whisper, "My name is Jesus. You know Me. You have walked with Me and I with you. You have called on My name. When you look to the Accuser, you lose your hope. When you look to Me, your hope is restored. Satan would like this Court to forget two important facts here today."
The Judge turns to the Defender and says, "The Defense may state their case."
Jesus stands, looks to the bench, and says, "Father, I thank You for hearing our case today." Satan looks surprised at that. "Father, before you stands a man who was preyed upon by temptation. The very Accuser which stands before you in condemnation of this man is also the one who provided the bait for every trap this man fell prey to. Father, since the Garden, You know the sly wiles of Satan. You know how he beguiles his subjects into believing his lies. Satan, the Accuser, would like this Court to forget two important facts here today: first, he would like us to forget that restitution has already been made for all of eternity, for all sins ever to be committed by my death on the cross and by my resurrection. Second, he would like us to forget that anyone who calls on My name will be saved from death and eternal damnation. And Your Honor, if you would check the record, the Book of Life, I believe You will find the name of the defendant clearly written there in My handwriting. Your Honor, I ask for the life of this man to be spared."
The Judge pulls out a large tome filled with pages upon pages of names. He scans the pages until He comes upon your name. You notice that as He flips through the pages, that there are many empty pages yet to be filled. Whose names will be written there, you wonder? The moment passes. Your thoughts turn back towards your judgment. For a brief moment, you are tempted to glance at your Accuser. Instead, with confidence, you turn to look into the loving eyes of your Defender, Jesus. With that one look, you have all the confidence of Heaven.
The Judge then asks you to rise. He looks at you with penetrating eyes. You can feel His eyes searching the furthest recesses of your heart. And there, in the depths of your heart, He finds that His Son has made His home. And you sense that He is ready to pronounce His judgment. "Regarding the charges of being guilty of sin and of being lukewarm in the faith, this Court finds the Defendant..."
The air is heavy.
His words echo through your mind. That one word, guilty, carries with it the weight of eternity.
With that, the Accuser shouts with triumph. He has won. You are defeated. You know the fate which awaits you. You notice a look passing between the Judge and the Defender...the Father and the Son. It's a knowing look. There are tears of pain and yet great joy in that look. The Defender looks at you reassuringly. The Judge looks at you with great mercy and joy as He says, "But...the price of restitution for these sins has already been paid." And with that, you see the deep abiding scars in the wrists and ankles of your Savior, for that is what He is: Savior...not simply Jesus the Defender...but also Jesus the Savior.
The gavel is again slammed down three times, echoing your three denials, reminding you again of the grace of the Father. With tears of unspeakable joy, you fall to your knees before the Father and His Son. And you realize in that moment that they are One, and that you are greatly loved.
Thomas a Kempis wrote: "If today thou art not prepared, how wilt thou be so tomorrow? Tomorrow is uncertain, and how knowest thou that thou shalt live till tomorrow? When it is morning, think that thou mayest die before night; and when evening comes, dare not to promise thyself the next morning. Be thou therefore always in readiness, and so lead thy life that death may never take thee unprepared."
If you died today, what would the ruling be in the decision in the case of: The Accuser versus__________________. (fill in your name)?
Who is your defending attorney? What is his reputation? Is it anyone other than Jesus? If so, you need a new attorney. Trust me on this, better Him. Call out the name of Jesus today. Ask Him to be your Defender. Ask Him to make His home in your heart. Trust Him to be Your Savior.

Be WILD For Christ!
Pastor Shane
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