Hey Cuz!
Luke 1: 36-42
“Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be barren is in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.”
“I am the Lord's servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her.
At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah's home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you bear.!”
Here is a small fact which gets glossed over each Advent. God's holy angel, Gabriel, comes to give news to Mary and while talking to her about the Savior she will bear, makes reference to her relative Elizabeth. How closely related were they? Luke doesn't say. But, what is important to mention, is that Mary and Elizabeth are indeed related.
At some level, that makes Jesus, son of Mary and Joseph—Son of God—the cousin of John, later known as The Baptist.
I got to thinking, what were family reunions like? What was it like for these two cousins? John knew who Jesus was...who He would be come...who He is still today. It says that “He leaped in her womb.” When Mary, mother of the Savior walked into the room, John, as an unborn baby recognized Mary. He knew her role. He knew the Child she would bear.
He knew.
So as children growing up, John knew. When Mary and Elizabeth would get together, John knew. I imagine that childhood games weren't all that much fun. “Red rover, red rover, send...God right over.” Or can you imagine hide and go seek? Jesus wouldn't even have to go look. I'll bet they never had to play eeny-meany-miny-moe to choose who would be “it.” All they had to do was ask Jesus. And do you think Jesus and John ever went to a fishing hole together? There's John, sitting on the shore, waiting for even a nibble, while Jesus strolls right out on the water, reaches down, and grabs a fish. Could they play guessing games? Did they ever try and count the stars...and succeed? Did John know one day he would get beheaded? If he didn't know, did Jesus tell him? Did Zechariah and Joseph ever have to forego sparing the rod in the aftermath of any Baptist & Savior shenanigans? Did John and Jesus ever wrestle? Did Jesus win fairly, or did He sometimes let John win to be a good sport? Did Elizabeth and Mary ever look at the Baptist and the Savior and say, “Boys will be boys?” Was John ever envious of Jesus? Did they ever fight? Did John ever give God a bloody nose? And then think to himself, “Oops.” Were they ever grounded? What dreams did they dream...what stories did they tell? Did Jesus ever use His divinity to get out of taking a bath? When they stomped in puddles, did John notice the far away look in Jesus' eye as He remembered creating the oceans and seas? Did He ever Lord His Lordship over His mom and dad, “You just wait until you get home to your Father!”
Years later, when John is in the water, baptizing people and here comes Jesus, it's no wonder John recognizes Jesus. No wonder at all. They're family. John knew Jesus...from the time he was a babe. And so as John's disciples were repenting and getting baptized, he immediately knew the Man walking down the shore towards them.
Do you see the twinkle in Jesus' eyes? Our mischievous Savior, walks right up into the midst of this mottled crowd and says, “Hey cuz” with a knowing nod of His head. Oh, the words aren't there in the Bible...I've looked. But can't you just hear something like that coming from the Savior? Something so familiar...so loving...so unheard of coming from the Almighty and yet, that's the kind of startling Savior we have. He shows up when we least expect it, but most need it.
Did you catch that last phrase?
Here it is again...read it slowly, and over and over again if you need to. Let it really sink in.
Jesus shows up when we least expect it, but most need it.
He showed up when I was depressed. He showed up when I was broke. He showed up when I got divorced. He showed up when I denied Him. He showed up for my greatest celebrations...and my greatest failures.
He even showed up when I didn't.
Jesus shows up when we least expect it, but most need it.
That's what Advent is all about...God showing up when we least expect Him, but most need Him. God diving into human history to swim through the mire of our ways and rescue us in spite of ourselves.
I have a question for you today, my friend: are you expecting Him? Because you know what? He's going to show up...whether you think you need Him or not. Another question, why do you need Him right now? Are you down and out? Are you unemployed? Have you abandoned your family, or they you? Are you underpaid and overdrawn? Are your credit cards already maxed out with false perceptions of “need?” Do you crave a drink or a toke more than you do your next breath...more than you do your Savior? Have empty wanton promises of lust left you wanting and waiting for something more?
What are you waiting for isn't the right question. No, the question is: “Who are you waiting for?” Who? Friend, there's only one name I can think of that will do. Don't look now, is that Him walking towards you? He strolls right up to you, nods His head, and with a twinkle in His eyes He says, “He cuz!”
It's true, isn't it? We're all a part of His family.
God showing up when we least expect it, but most need it to remind us of the family to which we belong.
You nod your head...unsure at first...hoping, no, praying Jesus is the answer to all of your questions...the healing to your greatest wounds...you look at Him. Everyone has stopped and observes. What will happen next? It's up to you. Do you recognize yourself as part of God's family, or do you keep on walking, ignoring this Man...this God who has disrupted your self-pity, your searching, and your solicitation.
You have tried all your own answers...and failed.
Jesus shows up when we least expect it, but most need it.
Hesitantly, a smile comes to your face. You find the boldness from somewhere to meet His fierce, tender gaze. You see the Man...and recognize the Savior. Your Savior.
As you stroll malls searching for sales...as you wait in long-lasting lines...as you ponder your predicaments and procurements...remember what you really need this Christmas...who you really need.
Jesus shows up when we least expect it, but most need it.
Be WILD For Christ!
Pastor Shane
Thanks my brother! I needed that message. I like to think that Jesus and John had some fun times together growing up as cousins. That never crossed my mind before, but, surely their families got together every so often for family reunions!
I think about my family and the reunions we've had in the past years and they were great times! Many great memories! I even have the photos to prove it. We don't have the reunions any more; we tend to see relatives at funerals more than weddings. How sad. This generation has gotten too busy to find time to gather with extended relations. Hmmmm....you have the wheels in my head going.
Thanks again Brother. God's blessings on you! Your Sister in Christ, Judy <><
4:03 PM
You are MORE than welcome, dear friend. I really like to take texts and try to read the sub-text. There are things which go unwritten, but COULD be there. I like to speculate upon those things and their implications. It's not Biblical exegesis, per se...but, I've come upon some startling realizations through these efforts.
So, praise GOD that He chose to use this to bless you today. In the midst of really needing the Lord today (trying to fix my vehicles...I am SO not a mechanic!!!), a moment like this makes my day and blesses me!
Be WILD For Christ!
4:10 PM
This is my first time visiting your webpage. One of my good friends (who you know quite well) turned me on to it. I had told her how for years I've been struggling to bring Christ into my life but am still having trouble. I know there's something out there, but I have so much trouble getting past the logistics of it all. I want so badly to believe with all my heart, and I think I'm getting there. I'm slowly starting to feel more; to pray more. I hope I can find the courage and strength to let God into my life...I need him a lot right now.
Anyway, I think that's why I found your message so touching. I appreciate your words, and you can count on me visiting this page a lot more.
9:01 AM
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