Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Unlikely Heralds

Matthew 2:12
"In a dream, the wise men were warned not to report back to Herod. So they worked out another route, left the territory without being seen, and returned to their own country."

Luke 2:20
"The sheepherders returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they’d been told!"

So the wise men and the shepherds all took off. They'd followed stars and listened to choirs of angels. There must have been a lot on their minds as they traveled. The wise men traveled a long distance. With how many people did they have a chance to share the Good News that the Messiah had come? Were lives changed as they traveled? Are there people who have relationships with Jesus today who are spiritual descendants of those with whom the wise men shared the Good News? Do you know of the Messiah because of the wise men? Could be.

How long were the wise men gone? Were they kings in their own lands? Some texts say kings...some say wise men. Whatever the case, we know they were followers of astrology. They searched the heavens for signs of what was to happen. They looked for portents in the stars to tell them the future. And God spoke to them in a language they could understand. God put a bright star in the sky so they would understand that something great was happening. God used the stars to signal to them that a great King had been born upon the earth. God spoke in their language. God chose them to be His messengers.

The shepherds went back to their sheep. They traveled back to their homes and along the way, they praised God. It says that they "let loose." That means they weren't being quiet about what they'd seen. It means they were ardent in their proclamation of the birth of the Savior! They were wild in their faith. And their words were probably crude and as un-poetic as you can get, like their crude exteriors, used to tending sheep. There words were possibly laced with the profanity of the day: "Holy sheep dung! We just came from a freakin' stable and saw the Messiah!" God went directly to the shepherds with His angel. God met them where they were. God chose them to be His messengers.

I love that the first evangelists were foreigners and smelly shepherds! Isn't that great? God chooses unlikely people to be His messengers. Do you know that means for you and me?

We are the very kinds of people God would choose to be His messengers. You and me...we’re unlikely people. Think of where you've been. Think of the things you've done. You and me, we're not rulers. We're not even mayors, let alone presidents or kings. You and me, we're just ordinary folks with great hang-ups, fumbling faults, and more than likely, colorful pasts which we'd have to explain if we were to ever run for any of these offices. If Jesus were to be born today, I imagine that God would choose a biker gang and some Buddhist priests from Nepal to be His messengers. He'd choose the homeless man you saw downtown. He'd send people like the Hispanic busboy who cleared your dishes from your table the last time you ate out. He'd send the prostitute hanging out on the street corner who thinks she's got good news, but whose life will change forever once the angel talks to her. That Viet Nam veteran you saw in his raggedy old army jacket, Johnson was his know, the guy with the scraggly beard, missing his left arm who flinches every time there's a loud noise...He's God's messenger. You and me, we're not any better, nor are we all that different. We stink just as badly as those shepherds and we're foreigners in a strange land, trying to find a language so we can all understand each other.

God chooses unlikely people to herald what He's doing.

You and me? Hah! God chose us? Hello! What's He thinkin'? Why us? Well, it's precisely because we are who we are that God came to us and spoke to us in our own language and met us where we were. God spoke to the wise men in their language and met the shepherds where they were. He did the same for us. With all of our hang-ups, faults, and the sins of past and present, God came to us, speaking in a language we could understand and our lives have been forever changed. We are the very wise men and shepherds of this world. Are you laughing yet? Me too.

But think of it...God chose you and me! Boggles the mind, huh? Why us? It's pretty simple, it's because we have's because we've's because we can speak the language and have "been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt" that God has come to us. We can understand and relate. We've been down in the dumps. We've been trod upon at one time or another by the cultural elite of this world. We've been taxed and taunted, exploited and excluded. We know what it is to be alone. We know hurt. We know betrayal. We understand what it's like to want more and receive less because at one time or another, we've been a stinky shepherd. We understand what it's like to be a foreigner because at one time or another, we've all experienced not being allowed to "join in any reindeer games."

"For unto us this day is born a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." That's very poetic, ain't it? How will we say this in a language that the weary and downtrodden, the homeless and the mortgage-bearer with the 8.5% variable interest rate can understand? What words will we use? How will we "let loose?" Will our words be poetic drivel, cheesy and beige? Or will we speak with the colorful slang languages we each use in our own lives?

And so we find ourselves on our way back to our homes and villages, called to let loose in the very same way those shepherds and wise men did. We find ourselves, with all of our hang-ups, faults, and colorful pasts being the very messengers of God!

We are unlikely heralds, huh? What's God thinkin' anyway?

Be WILD For Christ!

Pastor Shane

Saturday, December 23, 2006

He Didn't Have To Do It...But He Did

Isaiah 7:14
"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a Son, and will call Him Emmanuel."

He didn't have to do it, you know. The Almighty Lord Creator Of All That Ever Was And Ever Will Be didn't have to bother with the likes of us. And He certainly didn't have to do it in the way He did it. But He did. One day, God was contemplating all that He had brought forth into being and it came to be the time that He had planned for all along.

God sat upon the throne of eternity looking across time and space to see the first wayward choice made by God's first friend upon His creation called earth. And at the very same moment He stared Adam in the face and saw the shame there, God also saw the look His Son would give Him at the moment of His ultimate abandonment and betrayal upon His earthly throne...two roughhewn pieces of wood, lashed together with rope, not crushed red velvet. God also saw in that very same moment the looks on all of the faces who would come to receive His Son in their hearts. From shame to abandonment to the purest rejoicing! And the sight of rejoicing clinched it. That did it.

God arose from His throne, gathering up the infinity of His divinity, and He squeezed Himself into a womb of a young virgin named Mary. What was it like for an infinite Being existing in every moment and in every quark throughout the universe to be confined to such a space? What was it like for God, Absolute Purity, to enter into sin-stained creation? What did the taint feel like?

He didn't have to do it, you know. The Creator Of Order And Chaos didn't have to bother with the likes of us. Certainly humanity had turned its collective back upon the Divinity from which it had sprung. Certainly, God could have resigned Himself to being the Great Watchmaker who created the watch, set it into motion, sitting back to observe history unfold, never entering into it...never bothering to check its accuracy or movement. But He did. He dove right in to bring about a New Order. Several years later, He would gather some of His friends around a table and tell them about this New Order. He would call it a New Covenant. A New Covenant of grace and forgiveness which would set things right all the way back to His first friend Adam. But this New Order was also a New Chaos, because He would come and turn everything upside down...from our perspective, anyway.

God...yes God...was in a womb for nine months. Hearing the muffled sounds of life going on around His mother, a young woman named Mary. God heard her prayers from inside her. Imagine that...she's praying, thinking her prayers are drifting off into the ethereal realms of God, and her prayers are being heard from within her. Sure, she'd heard the prophecy of Emmanuel...God with us. But she didn't really understand how with us He'd be.

He didn't have to do it, you know. The Lord Over All And Everything certainly didn't have to become Emmanuel. The Lord who set the universe in motion sitting above it all, aware of every atom, did not have to come to be with us. But He did.

And here's the question...why?

Why did the The Lord Over All And Everything, The Creator Of Order And Chaos, Absolute Purity, The Almighty Lord Creator Of All That Ever Was And Ever Will Be come to be with us?

Well first of all, because He said He would. But even that doesn't fully answer it. Because certainly a Being so great could change His mind.

So why did God come to be with us?

The answer is so simple and yet is beyond my understanding. Because the answer to this question truly is the answer to all of our questions. And if we would first live this answer before and above everything else, then our lives would be radically different. This answer is the very reason God came to be with us. And it's something we once knew but we forgot about along the way. And this Emmanuel God tried to remind us throughout the years. He sent folks all over the place to remind us. And often we'd remember for a while. But then our power of choice and the influence of the Enemy would distract us...and we'd forget. Emmanuel God came to be with us for one reason. What is it? It's so simple...will you believe me when I tell you? Okay, here goes...


God could not sit idly by watching us hate each other. God could not sit idly by watching us destroy or worse yet, ignore each other. Because truly, the opposite of love is not's indifference. And God is not indifferent. God is the very answer He sent...Love.

Emmanuel. God with us.

Love. Love with us.

Mary didn't really understand how with us God would be. Do we?

My friends, Emmanuel is here. God is with us. God is with you at this very moment, wherever you are. God is with you whether or not you even want Him to be. God is with you as you walk the malls, searching for that something to fill your loved one's void. God is with you as you look for things which you think will fill your own void. God is with you at work. God is with you when your work is fulfilling...and when it's not. God is with you when you sin. God is with you even when you turn your back on Him. God is with you. Love is with you.

Christmas is a reminder to us not of a fairy-tale-esque story of Wise Men, Shepherds and Angels...although the story we read each year at this time does recount the blessing of Emmanuel…and there is great value in reading the Truth, God’s Word. No, Christmas is ultimately a reminder that God is with us...that Love is with us.

That is the miracle of Emmanuel. That is the real surprise we receive each Christmas. The real surprise is not a box with ribbons and bows...but is the fact that the Infinite Almighty Creator would choose to enter in not in a blazing chariot of fire, vanquishing our foes, but as a baby, basking in our love...blessing us with His.

He didn't have to do it, you know. He didn't have to be Emmanuel...God with us. But He did. And each Christmas, we are given the choice of whether or not to receive this gift of Love. Christmas is a bold reminder that Love awaits us in every moment whether we want it or not. That is the miracle...the gift...the great surprise of Emmanuel...God is with us. Love is with us.

Christmas is about what God gave. Not what we give. Will you receive His gift? Will you receive the great gift of Emmanuel this Christmas? Will you open your arms and receive the great gift of God's Love?

He didn't have to do it, you know. But He did.

Be WILD For Christ...and Merry Christmas!

Pastor Shane

Sunday, December 10, 2006

And God Winked

Luke 2: 8-12
"There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, 'Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.'"

There's a light breeze, blowing the tall grass, making whisper noises which foreshadow the song which will be sung later this very same night. The crickets are chirping, adding their harmony to the whisper-song of the grass.

There is a group of shepherds there, reclining in the grass, keepin' an eye on their flock of sheep. Some of them slept, getting some sleep before it came their turn to take shift on the night watch. They probably had a few small campfires going to further scare away predators and to warm up some food. As they camped there, some of them probably wondered about the bright star in the sky. I'll bet some of them even gossiped about it, coming up with possibilities for its purpose. This is a scene, just itchin' to be painted. It's a Kodak moment.

The world in solemn stillness lay. It is a silent night. The midnight is clear. Bethlehem is lying still. All is calm.

For the moment, that is. Little do those poor shepherds know what's coming next.

Sheepherders are prepared for predators. They know that at some point in their illustrious careers tending flocks of sheep, they will have to do hand-to-paw combat with some nasty fang-bearing critter which would love to have a midnight snack, munching a sheep or two. Sheepherders are prepared for bad weather. They know they'll have to find shelter for themselves and quite possibly weather some bad storms. They're prepared for long times away from family and friends. They're prepared for travel. They're prepared to search for a lost sheep.

But the shepherds we read about in this story were nowhere near prepared for what would break the silent reverie of their midnight clear.

Half-dozing sheepherders, leaning upon their staffs, as the wind whispers through the tall grass are shocked from their peace by an angel which just appears out of nowhere.

I imagine some of them going into attack mode, thinking of protecting their sheep, almost attacking God's messenger. I imagine that some of them were too bewildered to do much of anything, standing there with mouths agape. And I imagine that some of them were so startled that they soiled themselves from the sudden shock of the angel's appearance.

Can you blame them? They didn't have much experience with angels. When they were going to shepherd school, there was no elective course in Angel Appearances and What To Do About Them. The story tells us that they were terrified. I imagine that when the shepherds who went into attack mode or were bewildered truly realized who had just angel of the Lord!...that they all became terrified.

I imagine this rough, gnarled group of guys huddling together in fear, knees trembling, some of them begging for mercy, others crying. Have you ever been afraid like this? Have you ever truly been terrified? Because these men were. They were truly terrified. Fear was shredding away at the edges of their consciousness, reducing them to a group of knee-knocking, simpering, whimpering children.

The first words out of the angel's mouth? "Don't be afraid."

Some of them probably thought, "Uh huh. Yeah, right! Don't be afraid? Easy for you to say Mr. Bright-and-shiny-Angel-of-the-Lord-guy. You just pop in out of nowhere and we're supposed to 'not be afraid.' Excuse me while I go clean out my shorts."

But others of them, I'm sure, were able to hear the tone of the angel's voice. They were able to hear the peace there. They were able to hear the words of God through the chaos of this event. These shepherds breathed a sigh of relief. And as their brains began to give way to peace instead of fear, a new thought dawned upon them: "Why on God's green earth are you coming to us? We're just a bunch of stinky ol' shepherds out watching our flocks by night. How come you're not visiting that ol' King Herod? Why aren't you going to the priests in the temples? What do you want from us?"

The angel chuckles lightly, adding a note of joy to this chaotic moment. "What do I want from you? I don't want anything from you. That's not why I came. I want something for you. I want to tell you some news."

"News? God sends an angel to us to tell some news? We don't get it." responds one of the more experienced shepherds.

"It's precisely because you are who you are that God has sent me to you. God's kinda gettin' tired of being so predictable. So, this time around, He's going to mess with things a bit. Instead of sending angels to the people you'd expect, He's sent me to a young virgin and her fiancé, a group of foreign scholars, and you guys! The kings and priests of your world need some shakin' up. So, here I am, talkin' to you...shakin' things up."

The shepherds could appreciate that. They understood the joke. And they suddenly had a whole new appreciation for God. A new joy filled them...although it could also be called humor. And with smiles beginning to appear on their faces as each one of them in turn began to realize how God was upending their social order, one of them asked, "So, what news do you have for us?"

"Are you ready for this?" asked the angel, "You've known for a long time that God was going to send a Messiah, right?"

"Yup." responded the shepherds.

"Well, get this...God's sent the Messiah, all right, but..." the angel had to stop to laugh. He finally got control of himself, took a deep breath, and said, "but the Messiah is a baby!" with that, the angel burst into tears, he began to laugh so hard.

The shepherds didn't quite get it at first. And so one of them asked, "Well, He's like some sort of a king or something, right?"

"Well, yeah. Technically He's a King. But this King has just been born in some motel-stable down there in Bethlehem. And His throne is a smelly old feeding box used for the stable animals. You see guys, God's not interested in all of the religious trappings...He's tired of all the pomp and circumstance you've added to worshiping Him. That's why He's sent me to regular folks...unexpected folks. That's why God has sent the Messiah as a helpless baby who will grow up with common people. God wants to be known by the least, the last, and the lost, because the most, the first, and the found already know God and have missed the point."

"What's the point?" asked a shepherd.

"The point is this: love each other. But you know what...I shouldn't say anymore. I'll let your new Messiah tell you...when He learns how to talk!"

The shepherds all laughed at that.

"Now, just one more thing," said the angel.

"Sure, what's that?" asked the sheepherders.

"God would like you guys to head down to Bethlehem and go see Him. He'll be in that stable I was telling you about."

"You got it. We'll go and see Him. Anything we need to bring?" they asked.

"Nope...well, nothing material anyway...just bring your sense of humor...and bring your hearts." said the angel.

And so the unlikely heralds of the Messiah went to see Him. They laughed and talked along the way. They wondered about the future. They wondered how things would change. They wondered how this Messiah would save them. And they laughed some more at the thought of the Lord of the Universe having such a great sense of humor.

And when they got there, joy exploded from them as they saw the Messiah lying there in that feeding box. The poor virgin and her husband looked tired, but a great sense of peace filled them.

And here is how I imagine the scene to have happened…that as the smelly sheepherders approached, the Baby Messiah King looked at them...God looked at them...and winked.

And the sheepherders smiled. And then they knelt to worship Him.

Be WILD For Christ!

Pastor Shane