Stink Pretty

2 Corinthians 2:14-16
"In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, He brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way to salvation--an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse."
Back in my college days, on my summer breaks I was an apprentice tile-setter. I'd wake up every morning nice and early, throw on some very ugly jeans and an old t-shirt, my work boots, and head out the door. But not before taking a shower. You see, I've got this thing about showers and being clean. I'm not that partial to stinking.
I would get ready for the day as if it were any normal day. I'd shower, complete with shampoo and soap, shave, throw some gel in my hair, spray a shot or two of cologne, and then head for the shop.
Okay, here's me: college boy, city kid, wet-behind-the-ears, would rather read a book than carry one hundred pounds of tile at a time. I walk into a shop filled with a bunch of characters straight out of a Jeff Foxworthy comedy routine. Well, you can imagine, because I can't repeat them here--so you'll have to imagine, the kinds of things they used to say to me.
But one that they repeated often was: "Ooo, the college-boy's got some stink-pretty on!"
For those of you with necks other than the color of red, I'll translate: "Ooo, the college boy is wearing cologne!"
I would then have to respond with some smart-alecky comment so they would get past the whole thing and allow me to work with them for the day. This was repeated at least a couple of times every week.
"Ooo, the college-boy's got some stink-pretty on!"
It was very interesting though, that when we'd stop for lunch at a restaurant, or work in an existing home where the owner was present, people often remarked at how nicely I smelled.
The working men who stunk in reality said that I stunk. While those who smelled nicely said that I also smelled nicely.
Paul says in his second letter to the church at Corinth that those who are followers of Christ give off a sweet scent and others who know Him will recognize that scent as smelling sweetly.
When we are walking in a God-honoring life, recognizing Jesus in all that we do, we give off the sweet smell of salvation! And those whom we come in contact with who are also walking in such a life recognize our smell...and they know it is smelling sweetly.
When we are walking in a God-honoring life, recognizing Jesus in all that we do, we give off the rancid smell of salvation to those who are not walking in a God-honoring life...for those who do not recognize Jesus.
For those on the path to salvation, we smell sweetly because of Jesus.

I imagine that the converse of this is also true: that when we are NOT walking in a God-honoring life, we smell sweetly to those who are also not walking in a God-honoring life. And we stink to those who are.
What causes you to stink? Do you stink because you do everything in Jesus' name? Or do you stink because you live in a life filled with sin? And to whom do you stink? Do you stink to Christians or to those who do not yet know Jesus Christ?
At a certain level, I think the guys in the floor-covering shop envied my life. They wanted what I had. Because at a certain level, they did recognize my scent as being different and being nicer than theirs. They didn't just say that I, they said: "You stink pretty."

You stink pretty!
Be WILD For Christ!
Pastor Shane
Also, it looks like the first pic of the perfume/cologne says 'heave' rather than 'heaven'
9:18 PM
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